In person offerings: Seven Themes in Constellations
Learning Constellations has guided me in how to live with a depth of awareness that offers me endless curiosity. It has helped me foster my creativity, and most importantly, this work has helped me find my optimism about life when I was in a rut. Please join me if you want to learn more about it. You can come to one workshop if you’d like to learn about that particular theme, and you can attend them in a sequence to have an overall framework for the basics in Constellations.
March 3rd: Seeing our Father’s footsteps As we grow in utero, we look out into the world while our mother carries us. Perhaps, we see our father’s footsteps from this place, and perhaps, that vantage point never changes. In this workshop, we will look at how we see his path in the world, and this will change what we see. We will look at from which place we can actually receive the gifts he brings to us. In starting to generate a new line of sight for our father, we will also expand our awareness as to how this relationship affects our life now.
April 14th: From belonging with Mother to belonging with Success Our soft animal tribes keep us safe and warm, if we’re fortunate. And then we venture into the real world which might not be so kind. For some, this contrast is the other way around; The world seems much more pleasant than the family unit from which we come. Whichever adventure is yours, the transition from belonging with Mother to belonging in the world always needs more information than what we’re equipped with at the start. In this workshop, we will look at what success means individually, and how we might utilise what we glean from our families in order to generate success for ourselves.
May 26th: Stepping beyond our birth position Our bodies learn the position in which we are born into, and then our minds try to make sense of it, and then we repeat these dynamics until we learn something new. In this way, repetitive dynamics in work and relationships lock us into roles. During this workshop, we will take a look at the context surrounding our birth and make connections as to how we recreate these surroundings. When we look from this perspective, intuitively we see how stepping out of the position that we’re born provides us more ease in relationships.
July 7th: Following Possibilities, The good guilt Innocence in childhood holds precious memories and joy. Innocence in adulthood brings about despair. Good guilt is when we step out of our belonging, either familial, social, or cultural, and we step into a more empowered space of contribution and fulfilment. In this workshop, we will explore the sensations that we’ve all had when we’ve been faced with the need to leave things behind.
August 18th: Freedom and flow in relationships The give and take between peers is inherently different than the give and take between parents and children. Without awareness, in marriages, between colleagues and friends, with teachers and doctors, and with clients, patients and students, we fall into rote patterns of give and take that generate dysfunction again and again. In this workshop, we will look at how we can take more from where it’s appropriate. This brings about freedom and flow in how we give and take in our current relationships.
Sept 29th: Unthought knowns, Generational memory One of my favourite movement teachers, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, once posed the question in a workshop, “How do we know what we know?” This is also a core question in Constellations. We know what we know from our bodies of course, and we know how to interpret what’s happening in our bodies from our culture and family. What if our means of interpretation stops being helpful to us? How can we develop new pathways for our knowings? In this workshop, we will explore how generational memory and cultural influences mold our awareness. We will look at how the impact of collective events ripple through the lives of the people behind us, and how that impacts us in the present moment.
October 27th: Acknowledging What Is, The now In this workshop, we will close by glancing back at what we have acknowledged during the year. I’ll review the themes and answer questions as they come. For the group, I’ll leave space for each person to share about how Family Constellations has influenced their lives. We will also discuss more ways to build resources through the Constellation lens.
These workshops are located in East Falls from 1 to 4:30pm. I'll send the address after participants register. Tuition is $110 for each workshop and $770 for all of them. Payable via online money app, cheque, or cash Those who sign up for the workshops in a sequence can receive one-on-one zoom sessions for a discounted rate of $110 per hour. To sign up, email me at [email protected] or sign yourself up here: