Coming to this workshop will help you identify blocks and blind spots along your path of self-development.
It will help you see the ways in which you belong to your family system, as well as, provide insights into how to shift that belonging when it no longer serve you.
What is Family Constellations?
Family Constellations is a practice that stems from the work of Bert Hellinger. He was a contemporary German philosopher that sought ways to heal after the turmoil of war in the 1940s. Throughout his career as a teacher and a writer, he continuously looked for ways to heal trauma for individuals and groups. After decades of writing and working around the world, he came to this conclusion: We heal by opening our hearts to include those who have been excluded. Healing in this context means bringing together parts of the system that have been separated. Through the lens of Constellations, if we can acknowledge what is in the past of our family system, if we can face what our ancestors could not, we release our bind to the traumatic events that still haunt us.
Through this philosophy, the first step in healing is to reframe the pain we suffer. We look at how personal trauma is part of a greater whole. Our personal trauma shows us a different face of the same trauma that has plagued our family system many times in the past. In this sense, Constellaton work exemplifies how we can in fact change the tune of history. We can stop repeating the harmful dynamics that we have inherited.
How does it work? A participant volunteers to be a client. They share a challenge, usually a chronic frustration, about any issue they face in their life. Issues often center around parents, intimate partners, and professional dynamics. Following a dialogue with the client, the facilitator sets up a constellation within the group. A constellation involves one or more group participants that step in to represent various aspects of the challenge. They may represent specific people or more abstract entities. Representatives interact in an intuitive way as the constellation takes on a life of its own. The facilitator sheds light upon the underpinning systemic dynamics revealed through the representations. Like a conductor leading the sections of a symphony, the facilitator orchestrates the various aspects of the constellation into a new song for the client, directing them towards creative optimism. Order is the goal, and the client gets to be a part of that process.
Common themes that constellations can reveal solutions to: -painful dynamics between parents and children -problematic relationship with money -chronic health challenges -conflict in the workplace -distress between partners and/or siblings -depression and anxiety
The path to resolution
The work takes the client and the group on a journey, from the past injuries to the present. We reexamine the facts of what happened with a neutral perspective. Resolution will look different for every circumstance. Even though one client may work on a specific issue, various group members will relate to the theme and take what they need from the constellation as well. Not everyone will get to be a focus client. One person's work serves everyone, as we all share aspects of each constellation represented. The sequence of each piece builds into the next, so that at the end of the workshop, everyone has taken a few steps towards answering the question they brought.
Constellations is a phenomenalogical practice that teaches us deep relational healing. After the workshop, you will return to your life with a fresh perspective on what your pain holds, and the resources to step beyond.
Join Joy Carey and Martina Missikova, her translator, as you step into Family Constellations.